Travel: Paris – Explorations

I have always enjoyed traveling and when I do I am eager to explore and immerse myself in all aspects of the experience. While in Paris, I was able to see neighborhoods, monuments, and creative environments. Not for a moment was I "bored" or too engrossed in my phone to take for granted the sights I was able to experience.  

To start the trip, my first experience was at La Comédie Française, Salle Richelieu. As we walked through the columned courtyard, I knew we were headed to the black-and-white striped attraction. A location that was on my list of places to see during my trip. It was the end of the day and was eerily quiet yet comforting after a full night of travel and being surrounded by strangers. It was great to share this moment with my love, Kris, and just finally "be" present in our first vacation together. 

Behind the pastel door in the Marais neighborhood was a world filled with local artists that stand behind a strong message of establishing a space for creatives to work, openly and freely. Le 59 Rivoli is an amazing place filled with a variety of artists from painters, to sculptors, to line drawers. From the minute I entered and walked up the colorfully painted stairways leading into floors of studios, I knew that this was something magical. Being a visual artist, I am always drawn to exploring other creatives work and being immersed in their studio space. 

A very new experience for me was walking around a city late into the evening that is beautifully different from its daylight hours. Paris at night is quite breathtaking and worth venturing out into. Experiencing the sparkling of the Eiffel Tower, both, from afar and up close is priceless and a must-do. Walking down to the seine to indulge in some late night gelato and conversation with my love takes me into another world and away from the tradition of hunkering down in front of the t.v.