Why have we become obsessed with celebrities? Why do we idolize these figures and allow their lives to be more important than our own?
As technology advances and we continue to have access to the world in the palm of our hand, our view on reality gets skewed. We get updates on everything that is happening around the world along with the wild lives of celebrities. We follow their lives, excessively, and get sucked into their drama. But why?
Because when our own lives are not exciting, we look to access those who are.
We want to lead the lives of the “rich and famous.”
Because we want what only a small percentage has.
Because we seek confidence in those who hide their insecurities.
Becoming obsessed is the simple part. Figuring out how to adjust that focus back to our own lives is the challenge.
It’s so easy to let the internet, social media, and our phones be an escape from our own lives. It is fascinating to see what some of our favorite celebrities are doing, see where they are traveling to, or to be able to experience a day in their life. But we cannot let this distract us from living our own lives. We begin to idolize these people and lose sight of what we want to achieve ourselves. Then, at times, we strive to be like them and forget to embrace our vibrant spirit.
These cases are drastically impacting future generations, in both their conscious and subconscious minds. It’s frightening to think about how easily influenced children can be by what is shown in the media. But the same can be said for adults. As we grow into our own and begin to take on the stresses of “adulting,” we need time to release. We want to forget about being unhappy with work, relationships, or our current situation. We want to see how much better life can be from those who lead a life that is carefree and void of struggles. But in reality it is all a facade. They portray glitz and glamour because it is a constant reminder that we should all strive to live this life.
But why do we care to?
Why do we believe this is how we should live?
Being a celebrity equates to having endless amounts of money and that is what makes us happy, right? All we need in life is a 6 figure salary and then all of our issues will be solved? Not quite. Money definitely gives us capability to travel, indulge in delicious food, and experience a world outside of the everyday. But it is not the essence of happiness. Everyone creates their own definition of happiness and can adjust it as they grow. There is no one way to be happy and we have to remember that. We get so wrapped up in this idea of success. What it means to be successful. How we are validated by our success. But we have to be able to define it for ourselves. We have to be able to step outside of the established parameters for success and create our own.
We have access to endless amounts of resources and need to use them to our advantage. Even though the grass seems to be greener on the other side, we must remember that it’s not always the case.