This year has been one full of growth, change, emotion, and transition. Beginning to settle into my new home in South Dakota has made me reflect on my journey here.

I think about how much of a whirlwind this move was and how people reacted to me sharing the news of moving to the Midwest. The constant question was "What's out there!?" I found myself asking the same question but allowed my curiosity to find the answer. At first glance, one would think that my life in DC was great and that it would be crazy to leave. I had a full time job, an amazing group of friends and family, and was coming into my own. But there was something missing – a need for a complete change, an overhaul in all aspects of my life. I had a need to fulfill my nomadic spirit.
I have always enjoyed change because it represents the start of an exciting adventure. My nomadic spirit looks forward to the unfamiliar experiences and learning that comes with change. It drives me, it fuels me, and inspires me unlike staying stagnant. It allows for my mind to explore and to be free.
As the year quickly comes to a close, I have made my leap into the unknown and am looking towards the next chapter. This journey will be filled with learning experiences, adventures, growth within myself, the evolution of my voice, and becoming the creative business woman I have been dreaming of.
Transitioning into a new life here is showing me how change can be difficult, beautiful, and sometimes exactly what is needed to continue on this journey.