The meaning of change varies from person to person. It can range from the seasons changing, rearranging your home, to needing a change of scenery. Change continues to have such a negative connotation, despite the way it brings out such authenticity, pushing us to adapt and adjust.
The idea of change was floating in my head during my Thanksgiving trip to South Dakota. What does it mean to me? Why do I view it in such a positive light? Why are we taught to fear change? These questions continue to be at play in my subconscious mind as I begin to immerse myself in a major life change.

This time in South Dakota was unlike any other, not only because it was my first winter snow but also because of everything bouncing around in my head. As I watched the snow fall and skeletal trees become heavy, I couldn't help but relate to this experience. These last few weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions, decisions, second-guessing, questioning, sadness, and fear. My spirit and energy were feeling so heavy with the weight of other's opinions and concerns. I became completely off balance.
Through all of the tears, thinking that I'm crazy, and looking to other people to point me in the right direction, I had to step out of this cloud and focus on what I wanted my next steps to be. Instead of looking for confirmation in others, I had to look for it within myself.
It's difficult to go against the grain and receive pushback from those you love and whose opinions you cherish. As we grow older and create our own blueprint for our lives, we have to walk into that fear of the unknown, not doing what other people advise, and trust in ourselves to make the right decision. We have to embrace the change that we want for ourselves. We have to be comfortable in being uncomfortable in order to see where it will take us.
After giving myself time for reflection and solitude, I was able to bring myself back to who I was and see who I want to become. We all have this capability but we must choose to put our fears aside to fully embody our strength.
This journey is just beginning. I look forward to see what's in store.
In the coming weeks, I will be moving across the country to South Dakota and begin this exciting next chapter of my life. I look forward to sharing this journey with you all.