Desolate Spaces

What is space?

How do we conceptualize it? – We move through it everyday but rarely reflect upon it.

Space can be exclusively one thing or self-contradictory: 

Space can make us depressed or it can soothe our minds. A space can be chaotic while at the same time relaxing. Sometimes we need space to clear our head and other times we need our space to be filled with sound and bodies. 




This idea of space has always lingered in my subconscious mind, surfacing and fading away many times. Space came up again when I was catching up with an old friend recently. As we discussed how space impacts each of us, I was inspired to delve deeper into this idea.

New surroundings always trigger my exploratory spirit. Setting out to familiarize the unknown grounds me and prepares me to embrace the solitude this newness creates. I find myself attracted to spaces that are quiet.

The most desolate of spaces are the most interesting to me. I am intrigued by the absence of lively noises and vibrant energy. I often find myself where it is completely silent. In quiet solitude, my thoughts converse with the organic sounds humming all around. 

Why do I prefer the hum of these quiet spaces to those vibrating with people?  Why does the silence of space lure me in? 

My quiet and observant personality feels at home in these spaces. I search for interesting details and compositions in these desolate surroundings. I look for the things people ignore during the day. Nightfall and early morning are the times when a space breathes:  

We see the space in a different light. We immerse ourselves in a space. We can be free of thoughts, desires, and negative energy.

It is in these moments that we become one with the space.