There comes a time where we have to start over and rebuild. This time has come for me over the last week as I processed through my emotions, my health, and my thoughts. When I find the need for reflections, I always turn to things, people, and places that are familiar to me. Reconnecting helps remind me that I have a community around me and that I am not alone on my journey.

Revisiting a place that holds so many good memories immediately lifted my spirits. Not only do I admire Breadico’s story but also their openness of struggles with their starter and reminder to always nurture the core of any operation. Their honesty with their clients and authenticity helped motivate me to push past my own struggles and frustrations.
In this case, I turned to one of my favorite places in South Dakota, Breadico. I stumbled upon this scrumptious bakery shortly after my arrival to the area. Indulging in delicious food, reminds me of home and that everything will be alright. The minute I tasted their baguette and wood-fired pizza, I was hooked. It is places like these that remind me how no matter where I am in the world, food can always bring me back home.

It’s rare to see other people, brands, or entities publicly share their challenges. From most, we only see the success and positivity. The majority partake in image-crafting, where we hide our challenges and publicize our successes, presenting a reality that isn’t authentic. As much as my “make everything fine” attitude wanted to continue posting and seeming like things were fine, my mind said “nah playa, just be honest.” Hence my silence from the blog at the end of last week. I am not 100% back to myself but I am on my way. This is what I will be sharing with you all this week: how we rebuild ourselves. I’m looking forward to sending more positive vibes your way and help you process through anything that may be going on in your life.

Food always brings a smile to my face and I hope it does the same for you too. Enjoy and have a stellar start to your week!