With all that occurs in our everyday lives, we miss the things that are right in front of us. We don’t find the time to appreciate everything that is around us. This way of living dampens our spirits, whether we know it or not.
In asking you all the question – when was the last time you stopped and were moved by an experience, a space, or a person? – I had to ask myself this as well. For me, this time was last weekend. Kris and I have become a part of the Heikes Family Farm CSA* and go to pick up local produce every week. Visiting their space last Saturday, the sun was shining bright, the temperature was mild with a cool breeze, and everything was peaceful. Talking shop with Sam and his daughter, Heidi, about the best soil for growing melon and the importance of the honeybees was refreshing. Riding around with his wife, Gladys, in their Gator UV to pick fresh lavender was wild.
Who knew that, 15 minutes from our house, all of this existed?
Who knew that feeling completely secluded from the world would make us feel closer to Mother Nature?
In just a few hours of curiosity and spontaneity, we were able to experience beautiful people, have thought-provoking conversations, and see how the earth nurtures us. After leaving the farm, Kris and I were in awe. My spirit had never been so full.
I began to wonder what holds us back from interacting with life in this way all of the time? – If we never know what we are missing, then we will never know that it exists. When we are not able to let these kinds of life-altering experiences in, we become stagnant, we become predictable, we become resistant. The best parts of living are adapting, are leaving our preconceptions at the door, in order to open ourselves up to what the world has to offer. If we lose sight of this, we can lose a part of ourselves that yearns to be free or never experience a part of ourselves that was in us all along.
As you venture out this evening or prepare for plans this weekend, remember to remain open to the world. Mind, body, heart, and soul. The beauty in putting ourselves out in the universe is that we never know how much we can learn.
* I highly recommend researching CSA’s in your area to learn where the food you eat is grown and to taste how food is supposed to taste.