What if we stopped fantasizing about our “dream jobs” and started to make them a reality?
What if we stopped settling for a job that we hate and pursued one that we love?
What if we could have a job that pays the bills and that we woke up everyday excited to go to?
Close your eyes and dream with me for a minute.
Your alarm goes off and you feel a sense of calm and relaxation settle over you. You get ready for the day in peace and with a positive attitude. You make a fresh cup of coffee or tea to begin the day. On your commute into work or to your home office you play music that soothes your mind and keeps you stress free. As you sit down to your computer you don’t have any anxiety or self-doubt about the projects you are about to pursue. The day flies by and you cannot believe it’s already time to end the work day. As you settle in for the night you are not angry, frustrated, or depressed to go into work the following day.
This is how we should feel about our jobs. We should not be running around like robots who are sleep deprived, anxious, or stress-ridden. Yet this is how we operate in our daily lives. We have these dreams of our ideal jobs and how stress-free and fun they would be. But we let them remain these abstract ideas instead of actively pursuing them.
Why are our “dream jobs” only allowed to be thoughts in our minds?
Why do we believe that we cannot obtain them?
We admire those people who have chosen a career path that they are passionate about and that they love. We envy their happiness and positive energy. But we have the ability to change this part of our lives. The reason we don’t do this? Fear. What society tells us we should do. Lack of self confidence. Especially as women, we knock ourselves out of the ring before we even enter. We do not believe that we are good enough. We believe that we never will be.
At some point we have to let that self-doubt go and begin to believe in our own strength. We need to tell ourselves everyday that we are good enough, that we are capable, and that we believe in ourselves. We all have the ability to push ourselves further and think outside of the conformed box that society has put us in. No matter how many times people try to convince us otherwise.
To begin this change mentally and physically, it all starts with believing in ourselves and planning for our next chapter. In planning, you may realize that your doubts increase and that you want things to be easy. But you have to push through these difficult times and come up with possible solutions.
With great power, comes great responsibility. - Stan Lee
When the time comes we will be able to take the big jump into uncharted territory. We will feel scared, anxious, and uncertain. We will not want to leave the comforts of our current jobs. But we have to look at the bigger picture and our long term goals. Would we rather be dissatisfied, miserable, and unhappy or excited, eager to learn, and making a difference? We have all of the necessary tools to begin our new journey but we just have to take that first step. Trust yourself.