When we least expect it, our perspective can be changed in an instant. When we are open and willing to put ourselves out there, that is when we discover who we really are.
After a dreary Saturday filled with storms and cloudy skies, Sunday was the perfect time to get out before the weekly grind. Perusing Facebook for events in the area (One of my many resources, I use, to see what’s happening around me), I came across the Blot Collective. This artist collective, that focuses on spoken word, was a pleasant creative surprise. One thing that I continue to search for is a supportive creative community. When I find myself in these environments my spirit smiles and I feel at home.
The Block Collective’s Live Art Event was filled with musicians, writers, and visual artists. This intimate gathering was the perfect place to mingle and meet other creatives in the area. I admire those who are doing art full-time and making it work. Ultimately, that is my end goal: to be doing photography, writing for my magazine, and inspiring others through their everyday challenges. When we are around people that we admire and respect, it helps push us harder to embrace our greatness. Conversing with people who are where we want to be reminds us that it is possible. We are not alone in this journey.
The importance of finding a community that is supportive, insightful, and inspirational is what helps us become better versions of ourselves. This was a struggle for me while living in DC. I knew of the circle of creatives who ran together but was never able to connect with them, until I was about to leave. – Always the case when a chapter closes in my life. Looking back, I would tell my younger self not to be afraid to network and talk to those who inspire me. (@gokateshoot, @pandaheadmorgan, @emcalary, @xodvf, @masterwilliams)
In any networking scenario, we can get nervous, feel like we don’t know what to say, and shut down. But if we push ourselves past that self-doubt and uncomfortableness, those conversations can be empowering. They can be just what we need to start a blog, say yes to our first client, put our plan into action to leave our dreadful 9 to 5, or whatever our spirit is calling us to do. We have to be willing to stumble through those first few moments of nervousness and find our stride. We have to accept that we may fall along the way, but that nothing great ever came of doing nothing at all. Indeed, doing nothing is choosing the path of least resistance rather than choosing the path that our passions would lead us down.
For those of you who just moved to a new city, have moved back to a city, or are struggling to find your community, know that you are not alone. I am right there with you. It is challenging to make friends and find the perfect fit, but it can be done. Don’t be afraid to go to networking opportunities this week and put yourself out there. Go in with a positive outlook, know that you will be nervous but will overcome it, and remember to have fun!
What could you discover and who could you meet if you really put yourself out there this week?