Over the last few weeks, reflection, solitude, self-care, and exploration have been a part of my regiment. From listening to an inspirational podcast, immersing in drive-abouts, connecting with new and old friends, and self-reflecting, I have been able to reconnect with myself on a deeper level.
With Kris being away and having the entire house to myself, I have been able to nurture and replenish my spirit again. Being in a relationship has the potential to make us lose ourselves and lose sight of our personal goals. Understanding that this could happen makes us strive for a more balanced personal life. One way to instill this balance is to carve out alone time for our mind, body, and spirit to regenerate.
With our lives being in constant motion, we forget the importance of taking pause.
We forget the power in stepping away.
We forget our need to reconnect with ourselves.
What if we gave ourselves time to regroup?
How would our thought process and energy be impacted?
Imagine after a long week of work, hopping in the car listening to your favorite playlist, driving under a golden sky, on your way to a relaxing mini-vacation, all for a party of one.
Does this not put your mind at ease and get you excited for this adventure?
What is holding you back?
Why are you afraid to travel somewhere alone?
It is these experiences that can change our lives, perspectives, and mindset. Having time to ourselves to plan our own schedule, to read that book we’ve been carrying around, to start journaling again, to listen to that podcast we’ve been interested in, and anything else that pops into our mind, is refreshing. This gives our psyche and spirit the space to just breathe. The space to fully process through our thoughts and emotions. This is when the magic happens. This is when we can tap into the reasons behind our actions and feelings. This is when we embrace self-care and bring ourselves back to life.
As women, we have nurturing tendencies and are always taught to take care of others, before ourselves. But as we grow and evolve into strong and empowering women, this comes with devoting time to focus on ourselves. We all carry baggage from our past that needs to be released. Being able to unpack these emotions and memories revives our mental capacity to focus on the present. We are able to tap into the deepest parts of ourselves, openly and honestly, and blossom into a stronger and more powerful energy. Embracing these qualities within ourselves liberates our spirit.
As the weekend approaches, remind yourself to pencil in time for you. The events, brunches, and errands will always be there. But if you are too sick, unhealthy, or exhausted to attend, then that all falls on you. Take the time to care for, listen to, and revitalize your spirit. Once we are comfortable in our own greatness, then can we bring out the greatness in those around us.