When the sun is shining bright and there’s a crispness in the air,
it’s time to explore! As fall weather slowly creeps in, take advantage of these final warm days.

As a child, I always enjoyed riding in the car, with or without the knowledge of my final destination. Whether it was to run around the corner to the grocery store or a long drive for a weekend getaway, you could always count me in. The constant motion and vibrant scenery had me mesmerized for hours. This continues to be true today. Drive-abouts, as I like to call them, are my way to decompress and explore. Cue my backroad betty self and we are ready to hit the road.

Driving down the vacant back roads of Yankton, I was in awe of the vast landscape.
The endless horizon.
Each highway and junction leading to a new adventure.
Seeing where the road will lead us.
The path we choose to take is up to us.
The freedom of the open road reminds me that our possibilities are endless. We all have the power to direct our lives and adjust our trajectory, as necessary. If we feel stuck in our jobs, we must not forget that we have the ability to change it. We can follow the path of the majority or we can take the road less traveled.

It is never too late to change our path in life.

As we dive into the week ahead, reflect on any changes that you’ve been thinking about making. Whether they will be put into action, today, this week, next month, or next year, find ways to implement them into your life. Begin creating the world that you want to live in.