Imagine walking into an art gallery that takes you into another world.
The Washington Pavilion exhibition, Deep Sea Imaginarium,
transports the viewer into a vibrant aquarium.

The artist behind this transformative series is Steve Bormes. He creates these wild sculptures out of old motors, vacuums, and other found objects. From cats to fish to deep water sea creatures, Bormes has a way of interacting with his audience. The sculptures create a sense of wonder and activate our imagination. Each piece is different in size, shape, and form but, together, they create a cohesive body of work.

Moving through his exhibition, I couldn’t help but feel like I was in an underwater wonderland. The ambiance was moody with dim overhead lighting and colorful lights radiating from each creature, guiding our way. We were lured from one to the next. Gliding through the exhibition as if we were in an underwater submarine; viewing these animals for the very first time.

Observing these sculptures, I couldn’t help but wonder what they were once used for, in a past life.
What kind of home was this vacuum used in?
What body and style of car was this motor a part of?
When and where were these devices built?
Where did Bormes find them?
All of these questions made me wonder about Steve Bormes’ process of finding these objects and repurposing them. Whether he used vacuums, motors, or head lamps, he was able to bring them all back to life

I have always been drawn to items in thrift stores, antique shops, and garage sales. There are endless stories and experiences behind the objects that people donate. Like Steve Bormes, we can reuse these things and give them a new meaning. His exhibition reminds us to find the beauty and significance in used objects. They can always be recycled and repurposed into anything that we may need.

Revisit those pieces of jewelry, clothing, shoes, or furniture that have been collecting dust on your shelves. Instead of viewing them as junk or trash, think about how you can reintroduce them into your current lifestyle. What could they become? You may fall in love with those items all over again. Now, go, get your D-I-Y on!