When there is a lot going on at work, the tensions rise, and people lose their cool.
We have to ask ourselves, what is this all for? Why are we letting these things get the best of us?
We are told to find a job that makes us happy and if we love what we do, it’s not work. But for those of us who have yet to reach those #jobgoals, how do we remain balanced in the job we do have?

Observing people in work settings, I see how easy it is to get caught up in the moment. When we let our emotions overtake us and lose all reasonable thinking. For some of us it can be anger, frustration, sadness, inadequacy, and stress that makes us blow a gasket.
But if we give ourselves a moment to think,
to b r e a t h e,
and to gain control of our feelings,
we can put things back in perspective.

So many of us can get caught up in our emotions. They overpower our body and mind; putting us in a haze. Causing us to only focus on reacting. When we come to, we’ve left destruction in our path. Burning bridges. Hurting those around us.
To feel that sense of power that we have longed for. To put people in their place. To let your inner child, who was told you would never be anything, show those who doubted you that they were wrong. Our reasons for acting out can be a multitude of things. However, the trick is for us to respond instead of react. Giving our emotions time to settle so we can think through situations.

We have to remember that none of this may matter, tomorrow, a week from now, or a month from now. It is not necessary to let our emotions get the best of us, especially in work settings. In fact, it’s quite energy absorbing. We waste all of this time being angry or frustrated, instead of looking for a reasonable solution. It is okay to sit with our emotions for some time and then we have to work through them. There will be days of annoyance, miscommunication, and pure craziness. We need to know that these moments will come and figure out the best way, for us, to deal with them.

This is no easy task but with practice and realization of its importance, progress can be made. I am not telling you to do a 180 and get your emotions in check at this moment. This is going to take time and effort. But we have to remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. Working on ourselves will always be a process. But if it’s a process that we are willing to take on, then we are heading in the right direction.
With the weekend ahead of us, make time to implement some #selfcare practices. If you find yourself expressing your emotions this way, begin to address why. If you had a terrible week and need to decompress, do what makes you feel free. These moments that you can devote to yourself are a part of your ongoing journey of growth and exploration.