Fall continues to be one of my favorite seasons of the year. The warm tones of the changing leaves. The coolness creeping into the night air. The transition into the final months of the year. This is the season where change is imminent and my creativity thrives.

Venturing out to explore the vibrant color palette has been on my mind these last few days. Peeking outside the window to see the green leaves turning to a golden yellow or blood red is only the beginning. This is the time to marvel at nature's beauty and the beauty within ourselves.

When I think about how the seasons change, I reflect on how it brings about change in ourselves. The world around us is always transitioning and evolving. It’s inevitable that we would do the same. We begin to wear layers, yearn to be indoors, and spend quality time with those we love. We reflect on how the year has been, what we still want to accomplish, and begin to look towards the future.

This is the perfect time to embrace your #selfcare routines. To start peeling back your own layers even though you are physically piling more on. Change is a beautiful thing.

Devote some more time this week to you. Start unpacking feelings, thoughts, and experiences that you’ve hidden away. Now is the time. I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes to help you begin this process:
“I realize there’s something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they’re experts at letting things go.” – Jeffrey McDaniel