Music has a way of connecting people from diverse backgrounds; It resonates with people in such powerful ways.
I have always been a sucker for great live music! The sound blaring through the speakers, voices echoing on the microphone, and the crowd jamming to the beat. These parts of live performance keep me coming back for more.

Over the weekend, I was able to be immersed in upbeat tunes at the “Soulcrate Music Presents – That Sounds Decent 2016!” I stumbled upon the event through Facebook and went in with no expectations or knowledge of the artists.
Having a curious mindset and being open to explore a space makes for expansive experiences.

Arriving at the event at the end of one set, was perfect; I heard one band’s sound as another waited in the wings. My favorite band was lead by Diane Miller, a hip-hop group from Fargo, North Dakota, who has just started doing live shows. The band jived well together and brought a fun and playful energy to the stage. Their mix of conscious lyrics and funky tunes made for a great jam session during the golden hour.

Talking to Diane and her friends, after the show, and hearing her story reminded me that we are all finding our way. We are told that in our late 20’s is when we get our shit together, when in reality it is an ongoing process. Our growth is never done and it can take time to find and settle into our niche. Even after we find our niche, we may come to a point where we have to begin the process again to discover the next part of our path. We are all on a continuous journey to empower and better ourselves. Conversing with others who are on the same part of their journey as us, lets us feel connected to something bigger than ourselves.

When you find yourself in need of a care-free experience, see what local music is playing in your city. Sometimes the sound of music can move us in ways we weren’t expecting. Even long after the amps are unplugged, we may find the experience resonating with us in new ways. When we least expect it, these are the interactions that can be life-changing.