The weekends always come and go too quickly. One moment we are all TGIF and in the blink of an eye it’s WTF, it’s already Sunday!? Time is of the essence the moment the clock strikes 5:00 PM on Friday. Whether we are racing home to be lazy bones or getting ready for a night out, these are our 48 hours to just R E L E A S E and L E T L O O S E!

As a visual artist, it’s easy to get inspiration from everywhere and then from nowhere. Other creatives and non creatives-alike will recognize the feeling in different forms: One moment, we are on top of our game and, then, shit hits the fan. It’s a difficult balance that we all have to maintain but this is how innovation of all kinds blossoms. The moment we think we have nothing more to give, is when we are pleasantly surprised by what sparks our inspiration. Every moment of struggle is made to fuel our breakthroughs.
As much as my nomad spirit yearns for weekends to be busy, last weekend was the perfect balance of eventful and tranquil. Hearing about an exhibition down in Sioux City was the perfect outing for a relaxing Sunday afternoon. Immersing myself in shows, two days in a row, was one of the highlights. Focusing on artwork and letting my mind wander with creative questions and curiosity brings me back to life.

The campus of Briar Cliff University was the perfect setting for our Sunday outing. The energy of this place was the stuff of movies. Big, historic brick buildings atop a hill, surrounded by nature, exuding the essence of calm.

This weekend, find the space where you feel the most free. Do you feel calm in the quietness of nature or by being one in a sea of people? Is it the park down the road or the coffee shop around the corner that brings you peace and helps you to be reflective? Get out, or stay in, and make the time this weekend to just be. Allow yourself to struggle in preparation for your next moment of greatness.
Walking through their campus made me want to take a seat and enjoy the view. Atop the hill you are able to see the treetops of Sioux City and hear only the buzz of mother nature. It is places like these that remind me how being in nature helps us to process through our thoughts and dissipate our fears. It is the perfect space to think, reflect, and just be. No distractions. No doubts. Only clarity.