When we are frustrated with parts of our lives, we are really just frustrated with ourselves. It is so easy to be the hardest on ourselves during times of duress. We begin to question our intentions, our reasoning, and our overall decision-making abilities. But instead of questioning these things about ourselves, we should really be asking how instead of why.
How do I fix these issues?
How do I start to rebuild myself?
I have fallen prey to being my own harshest critic these last few days. I’ve been reflecting on how to bring my energy up, how to balance work and personal life with DAGS, how to be financially stable, how to celebrate my most recent accomplishments, and how to measure my own ideas of success. Being open and honest with myself, through this process, is what helps to foster change.

This process can seem overwhelming to try and tackle all at once. We have to take each part one step at time. (cue Jordin Sparks’ track from my motivational playlist). Focusing on one issue lets us thoroughly work through how we react and respond, how we process, and how we can make a plan to adjust it. This is no simple task but it is part of our self-care and growth process. In a world where our attentions and desires are pulled in varying directions, we have to remain centered within ourselves. If we are off balance than nothing seems to go quite right. Making space in our minds and time in our schedules to focus on self-care is a necessity. By neglecting ourselves, we become unable to step into our greatness and walk in the sun.
These are all things that I struggle with, but have realized that it’s time for me to focus on them. The little girl in me wants to run away and save these challenges for another day. But the time is now. We can only run from our inner struggles for so long. There will always be a part of us that doesn’t fully want to grow up. As we get older, we reminisce about our childhood and days of naivety and freedom with a sense of longing. We can call on these memories as needed, but, have to always be moving forward. Our time is now to face the parts of our lives that we know we need to change.

Learning how to maneuver this world of adulthood is no easy task. There may not be a how-to guide but the beauty is growing and learning from our experiences. We are not supposed to have all of the answers. We uncover them as we move through our journey. There will be times where the question “how are you?” makes us be honest with ourselves and express that we are not okay. We have to know that it is okay to not be okay. This is what makes us human.

As we move into the weekend, devote an hour, a morning, or an afternoon to unpack your own struggles. That resistance you feel, that desire to hide and run, is how you know you are on the right path. Lean into that uneasiness and uncomfortableness. Your mind, heart, and spirit will be stronger from it. And remember, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” – Marianne Williamson