Why do we accept the facade people show the world?
This question loomed last week after becoming frustrated with my current creative state. Scrolling through social media and reading about people’s travels had me comparing myself to others. Something that we should never do. I couldn’t help but think: How are they doing things that I want to do, traveling places I want to go, and living a life that I want to live?
After sharing my frustrations, I began to think about the lives that people lead outside of social media. We are shown these beautiful images and interesting content and believe what we see - that everyone lives a fantastic life!
But do they really? Is it not all a facade?
We are so quick to assume that what we see and experience is truth. But in reality, it’s building a world that we all desire to live in and be a part of. One, at times, that I find myself lusting for. As stunning as the images are we have to remember that we MUST build for ourselves the world that we desire to be in. This is something we easily forget. We must be reminded that we can attain a world of our own.
Everyone has a life outside of what is shown on social media. They have struggles, frustrations, sadness, and moments of defeat. Everyone has times when they second guess themselves. Even though we are not able to see this online, these emotions exist in all of us. We have to make sure not to get caught up in all the hype and begin to despise the lives we lead.
If we want something different for our lives, then we need to actively work towards that goal, everyday.
We are quick to make excuses. We don’t have the time, the money, the energy, or the resources to strive for what we want. Really, that is our fear nixing an idea before we are able to even explore it. If this was really the case, then why are people achieving things anyway? Because they decided to try. They pushed themselves to give their goals a shot. This is where it all begins.
When I start comparing myself to others, I have to stop and delve deeper into my reasoning behind it.
Why am I feeling frustrated and what does it really represent?
It means that I want something more for my life. I desire these people’s lives because they are doing what they want to do. They are going against the grain, building their own path, and not taking no for an answer. They are facing their fears everyday to pursue their goals. And these are all attributes that I am working on within myself.
When you find yourself comparing or becoming frustrated, always remember that you can make a change. Everything is within reach. All by actively working towards your vision, believing in yourself, reading motivating and thought-provoking books (like Jen Sincero’s You Are A Badass - a MUST read that I’ll be sharing here soon!), and not letting fear get in your way.
The time is now. Time is the one thing we can never get back, so why continue to waste it?